English Listening Activities
Below are A1-C1 English Listening Activities.
English Listening Activities
Below is a list of A1-C1 English level listening activities.
A1 - Basic Dialogue about travel
A1 - British Council Listening Activity about Travel
A1 - Test-English Listening Activity about Family
A1 - Travel
A1- Daily routine
A2 - Adverbs of Frequency
A2- Possessive nouns
A2- Superlative Adjectives
A2- Dream Job
A2- Shopping at the mall
A2 - Can & Can't
A2- Model verbs Should vs Must
A2- Future with WILL
A2- Conversation at a restaurant.
A2- Iconic dishes around the world
A2- Past Simple
A2- Reflexive Pronouns
A2- Zero conditional
B1 - A letter to a friend
B1 - All about art
B1- At the airport
B1- Animal Welfare
B1- Possessive Nouns
B1- Possessive Pronouns
B1- Hotel and Reservation
B1- Driving Safety
B1- Emotions and Feelings
B1- Present Perfect I
B1- Rumors and Gossiping
B1- Present Perfect II
B2 - A restaurant review
B2 -
C1 - History of Dogs
C1 - Obama on Trump Indictment - Nobody is Above the Law
C1 - John F. Kennedy Inaugural Speech (January 20, 1961)
C1 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.;s I have a dream Speech (August 28, 1963)
C1 - Carl Sagan Wanderers
C1 - C1 Advanced (CAE) Listening Test 66
C1 - C1 Advanced (CAE) Listening Test 1
C1 - C1 Advanced (CAE) Listening Test 3
C1 - Noam Chomsky
C1 - Shakespeare
Business English
Business English - Cambridge English for Business Communication Part 1
Business English -