C1 : Richard Dawkins
Below you will read about the renowned Oxford Professor Emeritus Richard Dawkins.
Prep : Vocabulary
Emeritus Fellow - Emeritus status is an honor conferred by the University to show respect for a distinguished career. It is not automatically conferred upon retirement.
Gene - (in informal use) a unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring.
"proteins coded directly by genes"
Ethologist - a scientist who studies the behavior of animals in their natural environment:
Atheism - someone who does not believe in any god or gods, or who believes that no god or gods exist:
Propagate - to produce a new plant using a parent plant:
Most house plants can be propagated from stem cuttings
Memetics - Like genes, memes would be replicators, and the mechanism by which they produced copies of themselves would be imitation: Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or arches.
Misapprehension - a failure to understand something, or an understanding or belief about something that is not correct:
Biomorphs - a decorative form or object based on or resembling a living organism.
Intricate - having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a complicated or delicate way:
Zoology : the scientific study of the behaviour, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.
Aesthetically : in a way that gives pleasure through beauty.
"the buildings and gardens of the factory have been aesthetically designed and laid out"
Preclude : prevent from happening; make impossible.
Oeuvre : Translated from French to English as Artwork
A condensed Biography of Richard Dawkins

British scientist whose books on genetics and evolution have found a wide general readership.
Born in Nairobi, Kenya, Dawkins studied at Oxford, then taught at the University of California, Berkeley (1967–69), before returning to Oxford as a fellow of New College. Dawkins made his name with The Selfish Gene (1976, revised 1989), in which he argued that apparently altruistic acts on the part of living organisms are in reality ‘selfish’ in that their outcome has an evolutionary advantage. In 1985 and 1986 Dawkins appeared as a presenter on BBC's science programme Horizon.
In The Blind Watchmaker (1986) Dawkins argued that minor mutations play a significant role in maintaining the momentum of evolution. The Blind Watchmaker was honoured with the 1987 Royal Society of Literature Prize and the Los Angeles Times Literary Prize. Dawkins received the Silver Medal of the Royal Zoological Society in 1989 and the Royal Society's Michael Faraday Award the following year. Dawkins's later books include River Out of Eden (1995) and Climbing Mount Improbable (1996). In 1996 he became Britain's first professor of the public understanding of science at Oxford University.
The Life & Times of Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins, in full Clinton Richard Dawkins, (born March 26, 1941, Nairobi, Kenya), British evolutionary biologist, ethologist, and popular-science writer who emphasized the gene as the driving force of evolution and generated significant controversy with his enthusiastic advocacy of atheism.
Dawkins spent his early childhood in Kenya, where his father was stationed during World War II. The family returned to England in 1949. In 1959 Dawkins entered Balliol College, Oxford, where he received a bachelor’s degree in zoology in 1962. He remained at Oxford, earning master’s and doctorate degrees in zoology in 1966 under famed ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen. Dawkins assisted Tinbergen before becoming an assistant professor of zoology (1967–69) at the University of California, Berkeley. He returned to Oxford to lecture in zoology in 1970.
In 1976 he published his first book, The Selfish Gene, in which he tried to rectify what he maintained was a widespread misunderstanding of Darwinism. Dawkins argued that natural selection takes place at the genetic rather than species or individual level, as was often assumed. Genes, he maintained, use the bodies of living things to further their own survival. He also introduced the concept of “memes,” the cultural equivalent of genes. Ideas and concepts, from fashion to music, take on a life of their own within society and, by propagating and mutating from mind to mind, affect the progress of human evolution. Dawkins named the concept after the Greek word mimeme, meaning “to imitate.” It later spawned an entire field of study called memetics. The book was notable not just because of what it espoused but also because of its approachable style, which made it accessible to a popular audience.
More books followed, including The Extended Phenotype (1982), The Blind Watchmaker (1986), which won the Royal Society of Literature Award in 1987, and River Out of Eden (1995). Dawkins particularly sought to address a growing misapprehension of what exactly Darwinian natural selection entailed in Climbing Mount Improbable (1996). Stressing the gradual nature of response to selective pressures, Dawkins took care to point out that intricate structures such as the eye do not manifest randomly but instead successively increase in sophistication. He also released The Evolution of Life (1996), an interactive CD-ROM with which users could create “biomorphs,” computer-simulated examples of evolution first introduced in The Blind Watchmaker.
Dawkins was named the first Charles Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford (1995–2008). In that capacity he continued to publish prolifically and produced an array of television programs. His 1996 documentary Break the Science Barrier featured Dawkins conversing with an array of prominent scientists about their discoveries. In the volume Unweaving the Rainbow (1998), Dawkins contended that evolutionary theory is aesthetically superior to supernatural explanations of the world. The Ancestor’s Tale (2004), structured after Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, traces the human branch of the phylogenetic tree back to points where it converges with the evolution of other species. Further publications included The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution (2009), a tribute to, and vehement defense of, the theory of evolution by natural selection; The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True (2011), a book for young readers that juxtaposes the scientific understanding of various phenomena with mythologies that purport to explain them; Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide (2019); and the collection Books Do Furnish a Life: Reading and Writing Science (2021). He also edited The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing (2008).
Though much of Dawkins’s oeuvre generated debate for asserting the supremacy of science over religion in explaining the world, nothing matched the response to the polemical The God Delusion (2006). The book relentlessly points out the logical fallacies in religious belief and ultimately concludes that the laws of probability preclude the existence of an omnipotent creator. Dawkins used the book as a platform to launch the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (2006), an organization that, in dual American and British incarnations, sought to foster the acceptance of atheism and championed scientific answers to existential questions. Along with fellow atheists Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Daniel C. Dennett, he embarked on a campaign of lectures and public debates proselytizing and defending a secular worldview. Dawkins launched the Out Campaign in 2007 in order to urge atheists to publicly declare their beliefs.
n addition to promoting his organization through its website and YouTube channel, Dawkins produced several more television documentaries, variously declaiming the problems created by religion and superstition in Root of All Evil? (2006) and The Enemies of Reason (2007) and celebrating the achievements of Darwin in The Genius of Charles Darwin (2008). Sex, Death, and the Meaning of Life (2012) explores the implications of living without religious faith. In the memoir An Appetite for Wonder: The Making of a Scientist (2013), Dawkins chronicled his life up to the publication of The Selfish Gene. A second volume of memoir, Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science (2015), recorded episodes from the latter part of his career.
Dawkins was named a fellow of the Royal Society in 2001.
Reference Link : https://www.britannica.com/science/gene
Richard Dawkins : The Selfish Gene Explanation
Activity 1 : Multiple Choice
Question 1 : Richard Dawkins was born in
a. Uganda
b. Botswana
c. Kenya
d. Djibouti
e. None of the Above
Question 2 : What year did Dawkins enter Oxford?
a. 1958
b. 1959
c. 1969
d. 1970
e. None of the above
Question 3 : What year did Dawkins publish his first book "The Selfish Gene"?
a. 1962
b. 1970
c. 1972
d. 1982
e. None of the Above
Question 4 : What body part did Dawkins point out that an intricate structure as itself did not randomly manifest but instead successively increased with sophistication with time through the evolutionary process?
a. The Brain
b. The Eyes
c. The Ears
d. The Tongue
e. None of the above
Question 5 : Which two books did Dawkins publish in 1996?
a. The Extended Phenotype & The Blind Watch Maker
b. The River Out of Eden & The Blind Watch Maker
c. The Blind Watch Maker & The Improbable Mountain
d. The Improbable Mountain & The Evolution of Life
e. None of the above
Question 6 : Which book won a won the Royal Society of Literature Award in 1987?
a. The Selfish Gene
b. The Blind Watch Maker
c. The River Out of Eden
d. The Evolution of Life
e. None of the Above
Question 7 : What was the name of the 1996 Documentary Dawkins produced?
a. The Ancestor’s Tale
b. The Canterbury Tales
c. Break the Science Barrier
d. Unweaving the Rainbow
e. None of the Above
Question 8 :
Question 9 :
Question 10 :
Activity 2 : True or False
Question 1 : His 1996 documentary Break the Science Barrier featured Dawkins conversing with an array of prominent scientists about their discoveries.
Question 2 :
Question 3 :
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