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IELTS General Writing

This page will help guide you through the writing section of the IELTS exam. 

IELTS General Training Writing Practice Test : Tasks 1 & Task 2

 IELTS Writing


You will be allowed 1 hour to complete two tasks in the IELTS General Training Writing test.

The two parts of this practice Writing test are presented on two separate web pages. Make sure you move swiftly from one page to the next so that your practice is as realistic as possible. If you prefer to work offline, download the test paper.

In the actual test you will do your writing in an answer booklet.



The total time allowed for the IELTS General Training Writing test is 60 minutes. Time yourself and allow just one hour to complete both parts.
Task 2 contributes twice as much as Task 1 to the Writing score.


Writing task 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on task 1

write in a personal, semi-formal or formal style
write at least 150 words


Writing task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on task 2

give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own knowledge or experience
write at least 250 words

Instructions to candidates

In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:

do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page
read the instructions for each task carefully
answer both of the tasks
write at least 150 words for task 1
write at least 250 words for task 2
write your answers in the answer booklet
write clearly in pen or pencil; you may make alterations, but make sure your work is easy to read
At the end of the test, hand in both the question paper and your answer booklet.




IELTS practice General Training Writing test - Task 1

How to approach General Training Writing Task 1

In the real IELTS General Training Writing test, you will have one hour to complete both of the two set writing tasks.


Task 1 should take you 20 minutes, leaving 40 minutes for Task 2. Before starting the first practice task, you might like to set an alert to make sure you don’t go too far over.

When you take your IELTS General Training Writing test, you will move from the first to the second task without a break. In order to give you a good idea of the test experience, you should do the same here, moving straight from practice Task 1 to practice Task 2.

An easy reminder…


Q: How long should I spend on IELTS Writing Task 1?

A: You should spend 20 minutes on this task – saving 40 minutes for Task 2.


Q: How many words should I write for IELTS Writing Task 1?

A: You should write at least 150 words.


Q: How should I prepare for the practice IELTS Writing Task 1?

A: For your practice tests,  you should find a quiet place to work where you will be undisturbed for the whole hour.


Task 1 – Write about the following topic:

A friend has agreed to look after your house and pet while you are on holiday. Write a letter to your friend.


In your letter Give contact details for when you are away
Give instructions about how to care for your pet
Describe other household duties you would like your friend to undertake
When giving contact details, you do NOT need to write any addresses; something like the name of a friend you are staying with or a holiday destination is fine.

The format for this IELTS Writing task is simple. Just begin your letter as follows:

Dear .....................,


Once you have completed this task you should move straight on to Task 2.


Remember, there are no right and wrong answers; you just need to write clearly  and competently about the topic provided.


IELTS practice General Training Writing test - Task 2


This is the second section of your IELTS General Training Writing test. You should spend about 40 minutes on it.


Write about the following topic:


Task 2

Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school.

Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.





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