C1 English Vocabulary
Below is a list of C1 level vocabulary. Read the definitions and try to create some sentences using the new words you have learned. Good luck & enjoy!
C1 Vocab List
1 - Encumbered
past tense: encumbered; past participle: encumbered
restrict or burden (someone or something) in such a way that free action or movement is difficult.
"she was encumbered by her heavy skirts"
hamper - hinder- obstruct - impede - check - cramp - inhibit - restrict - limit - constrain - restrain - bog down - retard - slow - slow down - stall - delay - inconvenience - disadvantage -handicap
aid - facilitate
saddle (a person or estate) with a debt or mortgage.
"an estate heavily encumbered with debt"
fill or block up (a place).
"we tripped over sticks and stones, which encumber most of the trail"
2 - Unencumbered
not having any burden or impediment.
"he needed to travel light and unencumbered"
free of debt or other financial liability.
Use over time for: unencumbered
3 - Voracious
adjective: voracious
wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
"he had a voracious appetite"
insatiable - unquenchable - unappeasable - prodigious - uncontrollable - uncontrolled - omnivorous - compulsive - gluttonous - greedy - rapacious - enthusiastic - eager - keen - avid - desirous - craving - hungry - ravenous - ravening - wolfish - piggish - hoggish - swinish - gutsy - gannet-like - insatiate - edacious - esurient
having a very eager approach to an activity.
"his voracious reading of literature"
4 - Visceral
adjective: visceral
relating to the viscera.
"the visceral nervous system"
relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect.
"the voters' visceral fear of change"
instinctive - innate - instinctual - gut - deep-down - deep-seated - deep-rooted - inward - emotional - animal
5 - A Chip off the ol' block
6 - Caveat
7 - Beloved
8 - Unscrupulous
9 - Chastise
verb: chastise; 3rd person present: chastises; past tense: chastised; past participle: chastised; gerund or present participle: chastising
rebuke or reprimand severely.
"he chastised his colleagues for their laziness"
scold - upbraid - berate - reprimand - reprove - rebuke - admonish - chide - censure - castigate - lambaste - lecture - criticize - pull up - take to task - haul over the coals - bring to book - tell off - give someone a telling-off - dress down - give someone a dressing-down - bawl out - blow up at - give someone an earful - give someone a caning - give someone a roasting - give someone a rocket - give someone a rollicking - slap someone's wristrap over the knuckles - throw the book at - read someone the Riot Act - let someone have it - give someone hell - carpet - monster - tear someone off a strip - tick off - have a go at - give someone a mouthful - give someone what for - give someone some stick - give someone a wigging - chew out - ream out - trim - rate - give someone a rating - hasten - recompense - visit - reprehend - objurgate
View 6 vulgar slang words
punish, especially by beating.
"the General cruelly chastised them with a whip"
punish - discipline - beat - thrash - flog - whip - horsewhip - strap - belt - cane - lash - birch - scourge - flay - flagellate - wallop - thump - clout - tan - tan someone's hide - give someone a good hiding
10 - Nepotism
11 - Brim
12 - Predicate -
13 -
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