A2 : Verbs in Past Simple
Below is a list of English vocabulary words that have been conjugated into the past simple form.

A brief Explanation
To use verbs in the past simple tense, add "-ed" to the base form of most regular verbs to describe an action that was completed in the past; for example, "walk" becomes "walked" - this is used when talking about events that happened at a specific time in the past, often with time markers like "yesterday" or "last week.".
Key points about the past simple tense:
For regular verbs, add "-ed" to the base form (e.g., "play" becomes "played").
Irregular verbs:
Some verbs have different past tense forms that don't follow the "-ed" pattern (e.g., "go" becomes "went", "eat" becomes "ate").
Subject agreement:
Unlike some other tenses, the past simple verb form does not change based on the subject (e.g., "I walked", "She walked", "They walked").
Example sentences:
"I visited my parents yesterday."
"They watched a movie last night."
"She studied for the test all day."
"We ate dinner at a nice restaurant."
Another way of explaining this concept
The simple past tense is a verb form used to refer to an action or series of actions that were completed in the past. The simple past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding “-ed” to the infinitive form of the verb (e.g., “cook” becomes “cooked”).

Verbs in Past Simple List 1.0 - (64 Words)
Verbs in Past Simple List 1
1 - Asked
2 - Ate
58 - Answered
64 - Attempted
3 - Broke
17 - Bought
36 - Bleed
38 - bit
41 - ​​bitten
44 - Born
45 - Bake​
46 - Badgered
49 - Bent
4 - Came
5 - Charged
25 - Caught
6 - Danced
7 - Dove
31 - Deported
34 - Drowned
42 - eaten
29 - Fined
22 - Given
28 - Gone
47 - got​
48 - gotten
19 - Hopped​
20 - Helped​
​21 - Hurt
43 - Held
9 - Jumped
15 - Jogged
24 - Joined
33 - Killed (USA) / Kilt (UK)
10 - Leaped
26 - Left
37 - Lunged
57 - Made
63 - Munched
​56 - Needed
60 - Nodded
​54 - Pulled
55. Questioned ​
39 - rose
40 - risen
61 - Received
8 - Saw
11 - Stayed
14 - Spoke
16 - Sought
18 - Skipped
23 - Sold
30 - Sang
32 - Swam
35 - Stabbed
13 - Traveled
27 - Told
59 - Took
62 - Talked
53 - Underestimated ​
​52 - Vanished
12 - Wrote
50 - Walked
​51. Yelled
64 Total Verbs in Past Simple with some Past Participles
Quiz 1.0 : Verbs in Past Simple
1 - The soldiers __________ to the shore.
a. walked
b. danced
c. jogged
d. ate
e. swam
f. dove
2 - The frogs __________ over the water and onto dry land.
a. sang
b. danced
c. saw
d. jumped
e. dove
f. leaped
3 - Many people __________ to Rome to see the Vatican in 2024.
a. stayed
b. walked
c. wrote
d. dove
e. traveled
f. spoke
4 - The United States Air Force __________ new F-35 jets last year.
a. Came
b. Sought
c. Bought
d. Skipped
e. Hopped
f. Helped
5 - Trains that __________ in late last night will be __________ a 25% late fee.
a. hurt, given
b. helped, sold
c. joined, caught
d. left, told
e. Gone, fined
f. Came, charged
6 - The illegal immigrants that __________ the law will be __________ without apology.
a. deported, broke
b. broke, deported
c. came, broke
d. deported, came
e. left, deported
f. came, left
7 - Danny Glover __________ the villain in the movie Lethal Weapon 3.
a. Kilt
b. Killed
c. Drowned
d. Stabbed
e. Sang
f. Bleed
8 - Joe Cocker __________ his heart out in Bochum. Germany back in 1969.
​a. lunged
b. leaped
c. bleed
d. wrote
e. sang
f. danced
9 - Jesus __________ from the dead three days after his death in 33AD,
​a. ate
b. bit
c. rose
d. risen
e. bitten
f. eaten
10 - Hank Aaron was __________ in February 5, 1934, Mobile, Alabama, United States.
a. held
b. born
c. baked
d. badgered
e. got
f. gave
Verbs in Past Simple : Part II
1 - Astonished (Verb)
very surprised:
[ + to infinitive ] I was astonished to see Miriam there.
They looked astonished when I announced I was pregnant.
The doctors were astonished at the speed of her recovery.
2 - Booed (Verb)
to make an expression of strong disapproval or disagreement:
People at the back started booing loudly.
Her singing was so bad that she was booed off the stage.
3 - Crippled (Verb)
unable to walk or move in the usual way because of injury or a medical condition
severely damaged and unable to operate effectively:
A crippled submarine found itself unable to surface.
Officials had hoped those measures would calm investors' nerves and heal the crippled financial system.
severely affected or limited by something:
People who take on other people's troubles are likely to end up feeling crippled by stress.
He was a hugely talented man, but crippled by self-doubt.
(of software or a device) limited in the way that it works, usually intentionally in order to make the user pay for more software, etc.:
Some users have managed to unlock these crippled processors.
4 - Dunked (Verb)
to put a biscuit, piece of bread, etc. into a liquid such as tea, coffee, or soup for a short time before eating it:
dunk something in something She dunked a biscuit in her coffee.
to put something into liquid for a short time:
dunk something in something Dunk the sponge in water every once in a while to stop it from drying out.
in basketball, to jump up and force a basketball down through the net in order to score
5 - Evaluated (Verb)
Meaning of evaluated in English
Add to word list
past simple and past participle of evaluate
verb [ T ]
uk /ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/ us /ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/
to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something:
It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.
[ + question word ] We shall need to evaluate how the new material stands up to wear and tear.
6 - Forced (Verb)
happening against someone's wishes and without them being given any choice:
forced relocation More than 250,000 civilians were moved into government camps under a programme of forced relocation.
forced migration The partition of the country led to one of the biggest forced migrations in history.
forced marriage She runs a shelter for women fleeing violence and forced marriage.
forced eviction
forced repatriation
It was probably 3.06 a.m. when the forced window was noticed.
forced entry There was no sign of forced entry, therefore Sayers must have known her killer.
used to describe laughter, a smile, or an emotion that is produced with effort and is not sincerely felt:
7 - Grew (Verb)
to increase in size or amount, or to become more advanced or developed:
Children grow so quickly.
This plant grows best in the shade.
She's grown three centimetres this year.
Football's popularity continues to grow.
The labour force is expected to grow by two percent next year.
The male deer grows large, branching horns called antlers.
8 - Highlighted (Verb)
to attract attention to or emphasize something important:
The report highlights the need for improved safety.
be highlighted in The spelling mistakes in the text had been highlighted in green.
I ​
9 - Intervened (Verb)
to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse:
The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.
[ + to infinitive ] The minister intervened personally to stop the museum from being closed.
10 - Joked (Verb)
to say funny things:
They joked and laughed as they looked at the photos.
It's more serious than you think, so please don't joke about it.
[ + speech ] "I didn't expect to be out so soon", he joked, after spending nine months in hospital.
If you think that someone is joking, you think that they do not really mean what they say:
I thought he was joking when he said Helen was pregnant, but she really is.
She wasn't joking (= she was serious) when she said she was going to move out of the house.
11 - Knighted (Verb)
to give someone the rank of knight:
He was knighted for his work with famine victims.
12 - Longed (Verb)
continuing for a large amount of time:
I've been waiting a long time.
It's a long time since I worked there.
Apparently the sessions are an hour long.
13 - Mesmerized (Verb)
very attractive, in a mysterious way, making you want to keep looking:
He had the most mesmerizing blue eyes.
mesmeric literary
14 - Named (Verb)
​to give someone or something a name:
15 - Oxidized (Verb)
If a substance oxidizes, it combines with oxygen and loses hydrogen to form another substance, and if something oxidizes a substance, it causes it to do this:
When you heat fat, it oxidizes easily.
If a chemical element oxidizes, it loses electrons (= very small pieces of matter with negative electrical charge) and if you oxidize it, you cause it to do this.
16 - Pitied (Verb)
a feeling of sadness or sympathy for someone else's unhappiness or difficult situation:
The girl stood gazing in/with pity at the old lion in the cage.
She agreed to go out with him more out of pity than anything.
These people don't want pity, they want practical help.
See also
self-pity disapproving
17 - Quenched (Verb)
to drink liquid so that you stop being thirsty:
When it's hot, it's best to quench your thirst with water.
to use water to put out a fire:
The flames were quenched by heavy rain.
Her thirst for knowledge will never be quenched.
18 - Revered (Verb)
to very much respect and admire someone or something:
Nelson Mandela is revered for his brave fight against apartheid.
venerate formal
19 - Smoked (Verb)
the grey, black, or white mixture of gas and very small pieces of carbon that is produced when something burns:
cigarette smoke Her clothes smelled of cigarette smoke.
smoke-filled The age of the smoke-filled bar is over.
The fire produced a pall (= large mass) of smoke visible 20 miles away.
Plumes of smoke billowed from the chimney.
a puff of smoke She leaned back thoughtfully and blew a puff of (= a small amount of) smoke into the air.
20 - Tamed (Verb)
(especially of animals) not wild or dangerous, either naturally or because of training or long involvement with humans:
After a few months' contact the monkeys become very tame.
21 - Undermined (Verb)
to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually:
The president has accused two cabinet members of working secretly to undermine his position/him.
Criticism just undermines their confidence.
22 - Vented (Verb)
a small opening that allows air, smoke, or gas to enter or leave a closed space:
If you have a gas fire in a room, you should have some kind of outside vent.
23 - Wasted (Verb)
an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc.:
a waste of time That meeting achieved absolutely nothing - it was a complete waste of time.
a waste of She's been unemployed for two years and it's such a waste of her talents.
My mother couldn't stand waste - she always made us eat everything on our plates.
Xeroxed (Verb)
a brand name for a copy of a document or other piece of paper with writing or printing on it, made by a machine that uses a photographic process, or the machine or process itself:
a Xerox of the letter
a Xerox machine
The woman xeroxed five copies for the man. ​
25 - Yanked (Verb)
to pull something forcefully with a quick movement:
He tripped over the cord and yanked the plug out.
She yanked open the cupboard door and everything fell out.
26 - Zigzagged (Verb)
a line or pattern that looks like a Z or a row of Zs joined together:
a fabric with a zigzag pattern
The kids ran in zigzags around the playground.
Quiz 2.0 : 26 Verbs in Past Simple
Astonished, Booed, Crippled, Dunked, Evaluated,
Forced, Grew, Highlighted, Intervened, Joked, Knighted,
Longed, Mesmerized, Named, Oxidized, Pitied,
Quenched, Revered, Smoked, Tamed, Undermined,
Vented, Wasted, Xeroxed, Yanked, Zigzagged
1 - King Arthur __________ Sir Lancelot in the Marc Tolon Brown.
​a. Revered
b. Joked
c. Pitied
d. Smoked
e. Longed
f. Knighted
2 - The student who was fighting in class was __________ to the office by the school security guard.
a. zigzagged
b. yanked
c. xeroxed
d. wasted
e. vented
f. undermined
3 - The woman __________ for her husband who had been sent to Anzio, Italy to fight in World War II.
a. quenched
b. named
c. longed
d. revered
e. smoked
f. astonished
4 - The office workers __________ the documents for the meeting five minutes before the meeting began.
a. revered
b. xeroxed
c. crippled
d. named
e. zigzagged
f. joked
5 - The group of businessmen where __________ by their counterparts from the other company.
a. Zigzagged
b. Booed
c. Crippled
d. Undermined
e. Smoked
f. Forced
6 - The fire hydrant broke hence the reason so much water was __________.
a. xeroxed
b. zigzagged
c. smoked
d. highlighted
e. intervened
f. wasted
7 - The mayor __________ the new park after the first female mayor in the state's history.
a. quenched
b. evaluated
c. smoked
d. named
e. joked
f. yanked
8 - The kid __________ his cookies in the milk before he bit into it.
a. intervened
b. astonished
c. wasted
d. dunked
e. quenched
f. oxidized
9 - The paint looked __________ from the weather.
a. vented
b. grew
c. oxidized
d. revered
e. forced
f. pitied
10 - The room was full of smoke and needed to be __________ out.
a. wasted
b. dunked
c. grew
d. xeroxed
e. vented
f. mesmerized
11 - The wrestler __________ the other wrestler with the chair by accident.
a. forced
b. dunked
c. oxidized
d. crippled
e. evaluated
f. wasted
12 - The marathon runner __________ his thirst by drinking a bottle of cold water.
a. quenched
b. mesmerized
c. named
d. smoked
e. zigzagged
f. crippled
13 - The horse was so wild he could not be __________.
a. Zigzagged
b. Oxidized
c. Tamed
d. Crippled
e. Astonished
f. Highlighted
14 - The general was __________ by many from Europe for his heroism during WWII.
​a. wasted
b. highlighted
c. Evaluated
d. mesmerized
e. revered
f. joked
15 - The running back __________ across the field and scored a touchdown.
a. zigzagged
b. mesmerized
c. astonished
d. tamed
e. crippled
f. joked
16 - The woman fell and was __________ by the entire crowd of 300 people.
a. pitied
b. wasted
c. joked
d. forced
e. oxidized
f. grew
17 - The crowd was __________ by the spectacular light show last weekend.
a. joked
b. forced
c. wasted
d. evaluated
e. oxidized
f. mesmerized
18 - The people in the Himalayas never __________ corn because of the altitude.
​a. longed
b. tamed
c. intervened
d. astonished
e. grew
f. Wasted
19 - The boy __________ so much that when the wolf really came no one believed him.
a. dunked
b. wasted
c. joked
d. pitied
e. xeroxed
f. intervened
20 - The psychiatrist __________ the patients from the insane asylum last year twice.
a. forced
b. crippled
c. wasted
d. pitied
e. evaluated
f. revered
21 - Many people were __________ by the current state of A.I. technology.
a. astonished
b. zigzagged
c. booed
d. yanked
e. forced
f. joked
22 - The soldiers __________ the enemy to surrender after one week of fighting.
a. quenched
b. grew
c. yanked
d. forced
e. knighted
f. smoked
23 - The man said "they ________ because they agreed with the company's decision".
a. booed
b. astonished
c. knighted
d. intervened
e. grew
f. dunked
24 - The most important information was __________ to emphasis its significance to the negotiations.
a. oxidized
b. grew
c. joked
d. highlighted
e. booed
f. smoked
25 - The soldiers __________ a pack of cigarettes in one week amongst three men.
a. mesmerized
b. astonished
c. smoked
d. dunked
e. booed
f. wasted
26 - The villain was __________ by the crowd because he had beat up the protagonist.
a. Mesmerized
b. booed
c. named
d. quenched
e. wasted
f. dunked
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