A1 : Colors
Below is an A1 level English writing task. Use basic vocabulary from A1 level English.

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Essential Information that is Needed when Writing about yourself in first person (I am, I like, I do, etc.)

The list below is a list of essential information you should mention or elaborate on.
You want to include what city, state, and country you are from. Some of us come from big cities, others come from towns or villages.
Talk about what you like to do there. ---> Hobbies, etc. Favorite Things to do in your hometown ---> (Sports, Activities, Festivals, etc., etc.)
Describe the buildings and architectures of the place you are from. Talk about tourist attractions and famous landmarks (Theme Parks, Malls, Recreation Centers, Hiking Trails,
Talk about places you like to go eat
If possible tell us about what has changed since you were a child/kid.
Example Writing
My name is __________. I am from __________(Country). I am __________(age) years old. I am a __________ (Gender). My first language is __________ (Language). In my spare time I like to __________, __________, and __________(hobbies). I have a __________(size) family. My family has __________ members. I studied ___________(Subject) at the University of __________(Institution Name).
I like to go to _________ in the city. There is a __________ in the city. There are many ___________ in the city. I like to go eat at ___________ in the city. My favorite plate/dish there is ____________. I recommend you try the ____________.
The city has/hasn't changed a lot since I was a child/kid.
More English Writing Tasks
Jackie Robinson