B2 English Reading Task : King Cobra Village (Thailand)
This page contains an B2 English reading activity about King Cobra Village in Thailand.
- Ubiquitous ---> seeming to be everywhere:
Leather is very much in fashion this season, as is the ubiquitous denim.
The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ubiquitous spread of English.
The mobile phone, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.
omnipresent formal
- Monocled ---> They are called monocled cobras due to the O shape hood pattern, also knowns as the monocellate hood pattern. Monocled cobras are found in grasslands, scrublands and forests as well as human settlements and cities.
- Exaggerate ---> represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is.
- Snake handler ---> A snake handler is a person who professionally handles and works with snakes. Snake handlers typically work in snake farms alongside herpetologists, and as zookeepers and in animal control services. Snake-handling skills are also employed by first responders, park rangers, and military personne
- Antivenom ---> Antivenom, also known as antivenin, venom antiserum, and antivenom immunoglobulin, is a specific treatment for envenomation. It is composed of antibodies and used to treat certain venomous bites and stings. Antivenoms are recommended only if there is significant toxicity or a high risk of toxicity.
King Cobra Village
It’s difficult to feel at ease when walking around Ban Kok Sa-Nga, in Thailand’s northeast province of Khon Kaen. Despite appearances, this quiet little village is the stuff of nightmares and bad Samuel L. Jackson movie plots.
Better known among tourists as simply “The Cobra Village,” almost all of Ban Kok Sa-Nga’s 140 or so homes have at least one pet snake living in a wooden box outside, from massive king cobras and deadly monocled cobras to less dangerous species like pythons and copperheaded racers.
It all started about 60 years ago, when a local doctor decided it was time to reinvent the village and convinced his fellow villagers to start acquiring snakes for their homes and put them in shows to attract tourists.
Cobra shows in Thailand are now as ubiquitous as bull fights in Mexico. And there’s nothing particularly remarkable about Ban Kok Sa-Nga’s version, with its bad sound system and exaggerated gasps of disbelief from the announcer as the showmen dodge the venomous fangs of the king cobras.
But walking around the village, away from the show grounds, what’s intriguing is how eerily comfortable all its residents are living with animals that give most people bad dreams.
Bualee Chai, 71, is the village’s top snake handler. He’s been working with cobras for over 50 years, touring Thailand to put on snake shows in tourist hot spots like Koh Samui, Phuket and Krabi in addition to Ban Kok Sa-Nga.
“I’ve been bit 21 times,” he says with a tinge of pride in his voice, holding up his battered hands, which are absent a few digits.
“If I didn’t get my fingers amputated, I would have died. The last time I was bit and lost a finger was December 26, 2004. It was the exact moment the tsunami hit Thailand.”
Bualee Chai says he refuses to take anti-venom when he gets bit, because the technique used to extract the venom is cruel and hurts the animals.
An ironic statement coming from a man who moments earlier could be seen, center stage, forcefully kicking a king cobra’s head to the floor in a man vs. snake ‘boxing’ match. But Bualee’s adoration for his snakes is evident when we leave the show grounds and arrive at his house, one of the largest and newest in the village.
As Bualee pulls his cobras, one at a time, out of their wooden boxes, kept behind a shed next to his house, he admits that he considers them part of his family. These include a massive 40-year-old king cobra and a stunning monocled cobra that almost seems willing to pose for the camera.
“If one of my snakes died, I would definitely be very sad,” says Bualee. “They’ve been with me for years. When snakes in our village die, we make offerings for them at the temple.”
Ban Kok Sa-Nga’s residents take turns helping out at the show grounds, though they don’t make much money given admission is donation-based. Bualee says the village’s main source of cash is still locally grown herbs, sold at the cobra show market and around Khon Kaen province.
The herb Ban Kok Sa-Nga is most famous for is “wan paya ngoo,” which Bualee says they use when the snakes’ fangs manage to sink into some skin.
“It’s mixed with lime and applied to snake bikes,” he says. “But it can help heal bites from any venomous animal, such as scorpions or millipedes. If you get bit really badly, you should eat it. You’ll feel better within 30 minutes.”
A report on the U.S. National Library of Medicine website confirms wan paya ngoo is indeed effective against cobra venom, linking it to an isolated molecule that is potent enough to protect cellular proteins from the venom’s degradative enzymes.
Keeping the children safe
Though the feeling that a cobra, hood flaring, could pop out of a bush at any minute prevails, in reality the village keeps its snakes locked up securely. Unless you ask a local to see his/her personal stash, chances are the only snakes you’ll encounter are the ones in the show. Children play freely in the streets, seemingly oblivious to the presence of the deadly creatures their families own.
“Obviously we have to teach the kids how to handle snakes from a young age,” says Bualee. “Every detail. How to fight them, feed them. It’s up to every parent to make sure their children learn these things.”
The village doesn’t just breed snakes. Bualee says they buy them too, with people from other Isaan provinces as far away as Sisaket bringing them to Ban Kok Sa-Nga. For each snake, he says they’ll pay 5,000 to 6,000 baht. And selling them is out of the question.
So if they’re not making money off of them, why buy them?
“Because we all love snakes,” he says. “It’s not just for business. Very few of the snakes are put in the show. We just buy them to take care of them.”
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Quiz 1
- “The Cobra Village,” almost all of Ban Kok Sa-Nga’s __________ or so homes have at least one pet snake living in a wooden box outside
a. 110
b. 120
c. 130
d. 140
e. 150
f. 160
- The inhabitants of King Cobra Villages own a wide variety of snake species such as massive king cobras, deadly monocled cobras, __________ and copperheaded racers.
a. Boas
b. Pythons
c. Anacondas
d. Black Mambas
e. Rattle Snakes
f. None of the Above
- It all started about __________ years ago, when a local doctor decided it was time to reinvent the village and convinced his fellow villagers to start acquiring snakes for their homes and put them in shows to attract tourists.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
e. 50
f. 60
- Cobra shows in Thailand are now as ubiquitous as bull fights in Mexico.
a. True
b. False
- __________, 71, is the village’s top snake handler. He’s been working with cobras for over 50 years, touring Thailand to put on snake shows in tourist hot spots like Koh Samui, Phuket and Krabi in addition to Ban Kok Sa-Nga.
a. English Bob
b. Ngô Viết Thụ
c. Bualee Chai
d. Nguyá»…n Xuân Oánh
e. Chow Yun-fat
f. Kim Jung Un
- “I’ve been bit __________ times,” he says with a tinge of pride in his voice, holding up his battered hands, which are absent a few digits.
a. 11
b. 16
c. 21
d. 26
e. 31
f. 36
- “If I didn’t get my fingers amputated, I would have died. The last time I was bit and lost a finger was December 26, 2004. It was the exact moment the tsunami hit Thailand.”
a. True
b. False
- Bualee Chai's extensive collection of snakes include a massive __________-year-old king cobra and a stunning monocled cobra that almost seems willing to pose for the camera.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
e. 50
f. 100
- __________’s residents take turns helping out at the show grounds, though they don’t make much money given admission is donation-based.
a. Bangkok
b. Phuket
c. Ban Kok Sa-Nga
d. Cu Lao Gieng
e. Wang Nam Khiao
f. Surat Thani
- What is wan paya ngoo?
a. An animal
b. A village
c. An herb
d. A type of rice noodle
e. A venomous snake
f. A soup
- A report on the U.S. National Library of Medicine website confirms wan paya ngoo is indeed effective against cobra venom, linking it to an isolated molecule that is potent enough to protect cellular proteins from the venom’s degradative enzymes.
a. True
b. False
- Obviously we have to teach the kids how to handle snakes from a young age,” says Bualee. “Every detail. How to fight them, feed them. It’s up to every parent to make sure their children learn these things.”
a. True
b. False
- The village doesn’t just breed snakes. Bualee says they buy them too, with people from other Isaan provinces as far away as __________ bringing them to Ban Kok Sa-Nga.
a. Sisaket ​
b. Bangkok
c. Phuket
d. Kanchanaburi
e. Khanom
f. Lampang
- For each snake, he says they’ll pay ________ baht.
a. 1,000 to 2,000 ​
b. 3,000 to 4,000
c. 5,000 to 6,000
d. 6,000 to 7,000
e. 7,000 to 8,000
f. 10,000 to 11,000
- So if they’re not making money off of them, why buy them?“Because we all love snakes,” he says. “It’s not just for the love. Almost all of the snakes are put in the show. We buy them to take care of them and make money off of them.”
​a. True
b. False
Answer Sheet
- D ---> 140
- B ---> Pythons
- F ---> 60
- A ---> True
- C ---> Bualee Cha
- C ---> 21
- A ---> True
- D ---> 40
- C ---> Ban Kok Sa-Nga
- C ---> An herb
- A ---> True
- A ---> True
- A ---> Sisakat
- C ---> 5,000 to 6,000
- B ---> False
So if they’re not making money off of them, why buy them? “Because we all love snakes,” he says. “It’s not just for business. Very few of the snakes are put in the show. We just buy them to take care of them.”
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