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C1 : Muhammad Ali American Icon

Below is a C1 listening task about the late great American boxer Muhammad Ali. 

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Muhammad Ali PBS Trailer 

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Muhammad Ali brings to life one of the most indelible figures of the 20th century, a three-time heavyweight boxing champion who captivated millions of fans across the world with his mesmerizing combination of speed, grace, and power in the ring, and charm and playful boasting outside of it. Ali insisted on being himself unconditionally and became a global icon and inspiration to people everywhere.

'I'm Free to be Who I Want to Be' - 1964

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In 1964, at the young age of 22, Cassius Clay claimed the heavyweight title after defeating Sonny Liston — further cementing Clay's dominant presence in the boxing world. However, despite Clay's unequivocal prowess as a boxer, he drew criticism for his outspoken socio-political and religious beliefs, with many condemning him as "un-American."




Heavyweight ---> a boxer who is in the heaviest weight group, or this division of boxing weight:

Synonyms: Heavy


Defeating ---> to win against someone in a fightwar, or competition:

Synonyms: Beat, Conquer, Win Against,


Cementing ---> settle or establish firmly.

Synonyms: make it stronger,


Unequivocal ---> total, or expressed in a clear and certain way:

Synonyms: Undisputable, Unquestionable, No one or nothing is equal to, ​


Prowess ---> great ability or skill:

Synonyms: Brave, fearless 


Condemning ---> to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons:

Synonyms: Reject, Criticize,


Quiz 1 ---> 'I'm Free to be Who I Want to Be' - 1964

Muhammad Ali part 1 Listening Questions 

On the morning of February 26, __________, Cassius Clay returned to the Miami Beach Convention Center where the previous night he had beaten Sonny Liston. 

a. 1962 

b. 1963 

c. 1964

d. 1965 

e. 1966

f.  1967


Muhammad Ali because heavy weight champion at age __________ 

a. 18

b. 19

c. 20

d. 21

e. 22

f. 23


Muhammad Ali once said “red birds will stay will red birds, bluebirds with bluebirds, you stay with people of your own kind, that’s nature” 
True or false 


Muhammad Ali once told a reporter “my religion is Islam, I believe Allah is god, I think this is the true way to save the world which is on fire with hate. 
True or false 


Writer Gerald Early stated in the video “He (Ali) was vilified and it was thought that is was Un-American, that was the big thing, he was un-American”. 
True or false 


Which civil rights leader is shown to have staged a massive demonstration on the mall in Washington, D.C. 
A John Lewis 
B Elijah Muhammad 
C Malcom X 
D Martin Luther King Jr. 
E Al Sharpton 
F Jesse Jackson 


The African American Population was met by a white America that violently determined to maintain the racial status quo. 
True or false 


The white American population who fought to keep the status quote disliked him (Ali) and saw him as an ungrateful, offensive and a threat because of his refusal to abide by the old social order. He was a threat that needed to be stopped. 
True or false 


The words of Malcolm X resonated with those people who were living in that __________ years of oppression. 
A 100 
B 200 
C 300 
D 400 
E 500 
F 600 

Cassius Clay Changes His Name to Muhammad Ali - 1964

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After the heavyweight champion grows close with Malcolm X, he announces to reporters that he's renounced the name Clay, citing it as a slave name, and has instead taken on the name Cassius X. Concerned that Cassius would stray from the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad offers him a new name to secure his allegiance: Muhammad Ali.




Renounced ---> to say formally or publicly that you no longer own, supportbelieve in, or have a connection with something:

Synonyms: Refusing, Rejecting


Allegiance ---> loyalty and support for a rulercountrygroup, or belief:

Synonyms: Loyal, Bond, Trueness 



Muhammad Ali — 2.0 — Questions 

Though Elijah Muhammad had always condemned sports as __________ entertainment he now ordered the author of the nation of Islam’s newspaper “Muhammad Speaks” to add four additional pages dedicated to the new champion. 

a. Vicious 

b. Stupid 

c. Ignorant 

d. unimportant 

e. Whimsical 

f. Frivolous 



On March 1st, Cassius Clay drove to __________ where he checked into the hotel Teresa in Harlem and reunited with Malcolm X. 

a. New Jersey 

b. New Hampshire 

c. New York 

d. New Haven 

e. Newark 

f. None of the Above 


Malcolm X became Muhammad Ali’s spiritual advisor and close friend. 
True or False 


After a screening of Muhammad Ali’s fight with Sonny Liston Malcolm X took Muhammad Ali the morning to the offices of the Amsterdam news where the boxer told reporters that he had renounced the name Clay. 
True or False 


The Nation of Islam considered the name Clay to be a slave name. 
True or False 


The boxer’s first Alias was 
A Michael X
B Martin X 
C Cassius X 
D Clay X 
E Cash X 
F Cool Hand X 


On March 5th Muhammad Ali and Malcom X visited the UNICEF headquarters in NYC. 

True or False 


On what day did they visit in March of that year? 
a 1st 
B 2nd
C Third 
D Fourth 
E Fifth 
F Sixth 


In Chicago Elijah Muhammad fumed and ordered Clay to stop seeing Malcolm X immediately. 
True or False 


The nation of Islam’s leader Elijah Muhammad gave him the name Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali 
True or False 


What does the name Muhammad Ali mean? 

a. Most high and mighty 

b. Intelligent & most wise 

c. Humble & strong 

d. Righteous and holy 

e. Worthy of praise & most high 

f. Worthy of recognition & most holy 




Muhammad Ali's Focus on Racial Justice - 1965

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At a press conference, Muhammad Ali announced his strong consideration for an early retirement, describing how he was tired of boxing and wanted to focus on fighting for racial justice. In America at the time, progress appeared imminent with the signing of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The road to racial justice, however, was far from over.


Muhammad Ali Marries Belinda Boyd in Chicago - 1967

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In 1966, Muhammad Ali met 16-year-old Belinda Boyd at a Nation of Islam bakery, and the two married on August 18, 1967. Living together in Chicago, the couple initially struggled to make ends meet when Ali wasn't fighting, and Belinda would sew clothes, use some of her college funds, and sometimes even received money in secrecy from Elijah Muhammad to support them. 


Muhammad Ali Refuses the Vietnam War Draft - 1967

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Prior to his match against Foley, Ali received news he had been drafted to fight in Vietnam. When Ali arrived to be inducted in the United States Armed Forces, however, he refused, citing his religion forbade him from serving. The cost for his refusal would prove to be drastic: the stripping of his heavyweight title, a suspension from boxing, a $10,000 fine, and a five-year prison sentence.​


Muhammad Ali Is Found Guilty of Refusing the Draft - 1967

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An all-white Houston jury found Muhammad Ali guilty of refusing the draft. He was sentenced to five years in prison and fined $10,000. His lawyers filed an appeal. Though he remained free during this time, he was stripped of his title and was not allowed to box. Still, he expressed that going into service would be against his faith and the teachings of Islam.


The Supreme Court Overturns Muhammad Ali's Conviction - 1971 

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On June 28, 1971, the Supreme Court unanimously overturned Ali's conviction for refusing his call to military service due to his religious beliefs.


Preparing for The Rumble in the Jungle - 1974

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Muhammad Ali, Belinda, and his family arrive in Kinshasa aboard President Mobutu's private plane. There he received praise from most of Zaire as a fan favorite against the undefeated world heavyweight champion George Foreman. Meanwhile, his opponent would keep a low profile prior to their match in what would become known as "The Rumble in the Jungle."



Fighting Words Before the Thrilla in Manila - 1975

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Leading up to his fight with Joe Frazier in the Philippines, the Thrilla in Manila, Muhammad Ali would publicly insult Frazier's intelligence and even sneak into one of his training sessions to verbally harass him from the rafters. Frazier would never forgive him.​


Muhammad Ali is Diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease - 1984

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In November of 1982, Ali returned to the gym to train for a three-week exhibition tour, with stops planned in Saudi Arabia, India, and Pakistan. However, since retiring, Ali's health, as well as the health of his former boxing assistants, had intensely deteriorated. In 1984, after checking himself into Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, Ali was given a devastating diagnosis: Parkinson's disease.


External Links: 


Muhammad Ali's Focus on Racial Justice


​Muhammad Ali | A Documentary by Ken Burns


​Cassius Clay Changes His Name to Muhammad Ali


Muhammad Ali: A Transcendent Life: The Man



Muhammad Ali | PBS } All Episodes




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