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B2+/C1 : The Turing Test 

Below is a lesson based on Alan Turing's "Turing Test". 


Who is Professor Alan Turing? 

The test is named after Alan Turing, the founder of the Turing Test and an English computer scientist, cryptanalyst, mathematician and theoretical biologist

Alan Turing --- 121913_CACMpg40_Actually-Turing1.large.jpg

What is the Turing Test? What was it designed to detect? 

The Turing Test is a method of inquiry in artificial intelligence (AI) for determining whether or not a computer is capable of thinking like a human being. 

Quiz 1

1 Professor Alan Turing was a ___________ computer scientist. 

​a. American 

b. British 

c. Australian 

d. Canadian 

e. German 

f. French 


2. What the question Professor Alan Turing posed?

a. Can a computer help a primate how to use sign language? 

b. Can a computer help animals talk like a human? 

c. Can a computer talk like a human? 

d. Can a computer intrept like a human? 

e. Can a computer translate like a human? 

f. None of the Above


3. What was the Turing Test designed to do? 

a. To upgrade Artifical Intelligence  

b. To enhance Artifical Intelligene 

c. To gage Artifical Intelligence 

d. To measure Artifical Intelligence 

e. To update Artifical Intelligence 

f. None of the Above 


4. In the __________ paper, "Computing Machinery & Intelligence" Turing proposed the a game that was designed to measure artificial intelligence (A.I.). 

a. 1948

b. 1949

c. 1950 

d. 1951

e. 1952

f. None of the Above ​


​5. A computer would be considered intelligent if it's conversation could.t be easily distinguished from a humans.

a. True 

b. False 


​6. Professor Alan Turing predicted that by the year __________ computers machines with 100 megabytes (mb) of memory would be able to easily pass this test. 

a. 1982

b. 1996 

c. 1999 

d. 2000 

e. 2001 

f. None of the Above


​7. Though it was never subjected to a test, the first program with some claim to success was called __________

a. Johnny-5 

b. Eliza 

c. Parry 

d, Catherine 

e. Asimo  

f. None of the Above 


8. The first program was designed to mimic a __________. 

a. Pediatrician 

b. Psychologist 

c. Psychiatrist 

d. Philanthropist 

e. Philospher 

f. None of the above 


9. The second program took a different approach by mimicing a __________> 

a. with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 

b. person with dysgraphia 

c. depressed person 

d. person with Attention Deficent Disorder (ADD) 

e. Paranoid Schizophrenic

f. None of the Above  


10. Humans regulary attribute intelligence to a whole range of things that are not actually intelligent. 

a. True 

b. False 


11. What is the name of the prize that is awarded to the AI software that can fool the judges into thinking they are having a conversation with a real person? ​

a. Nobel Prize

b. Kyoto Prize  

c. Booker Prize 

d. Berggruen Prize 

e. Loebner Prize 

f. Pulitzer Prize 


12. The 1997 Loebner prize winner's program named Catherine could carry on an amazongly focused and intelligent conversation but mostly if the judge wanted to talk about __________. 

a. George H.W. Bush 

b. George W. Bush  

c. Bill Clinton 

d. Hillaary Clinton 

e. George Clinton 

f. Thomas McClintock 


13. A more recent winner named __________ was given the persona of a 13 year old Ukrainian boy so judges it's nonsequitors and akward grammar as language and cultural barriers. 

a. Wladimir Klitschko 

b. Eugene Goostman 

c. Jerry Koosman 

d. Erwin Rommel 

e. Felix Steiner  

f. Billy Bathgate 


14. Other programs like Cleverbot took a different approach __________ 

a. By sorting and categorizing massive amounts of data of real conversations to determine what was the most common responses.  

b. By statiscally and categorizing huge amounts of real conversations to determine the best responses  

c. By analyzing and categorizing data bases with exuberant amount of data. 

d. By analyzing large databases to determine the possible answers 

e. By statistically analyzing  huge databases of real conversations to determine the best responses. 

f. None of the Above 


​15. Human language turns out to be an amazing complex phenomenon that can't be captured by even the largest dictionary.

a. True 

b. False 


​​​​​​​​​​16. Alan Turing is considered by many to be the father of A.I. (Artifical Intelligence) 

True or False 


Answer Key 

1 ---> B ---> British 

2 ---> C ---> Can a computer talk like a human? 

3 ---> D ---> To measure artifical intelligence (A.I.) 

4 ---> C ---< 1950 

5 ---> A ---> True 

6 ---> D ---> 2000 

7 ---? B ---> Eliza 

8 ---> B ---> Psychologist 

9 ---> E ---> Paranoid Schizophrenic

10 ---> A ---> True 

11 ---> E ---> Loebner Prize 

13 ---> B ---> Eugene Goostman 

14 ---> E ---> By statistically analyzing  huge databases of real conversations to determine the best responses. 

15 ---> A ---> True 

16 ---> B ---> False ---> It doen't mention that in the video. 

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