A1 : English Grammar
There is/There are
Below are A1 English grammar tasks designed for students to practice "There is and There are". There are also quizzes toward the bottom of the page for practice. Good luck & enjoy!
There is & There are : Practice reading and look closely at sentence structures.

There is & There are Practice
1 - __________ many people waiting in line to buy the new iPhone.
a. There is
b. There are
2 - There are two ways to exit the ballpark.
a. There is
b. There are
3 - __________ a dog standing on the corner without a leash.
a. There is
b. There are
4 - __________ many days that I sit and wonder about the future.
a. There is
b. There are
5 - __________ so many stars in the universe.
a. There is
b. There are
6 - __________ a boat in the lake.
a. There is
b. There are
7 - __________ only one winner per pageant.
a. There is
b. There are
8 - __________ so many dogs that live here at the sanctuary,
a. There is
b. There are
9 - James shouted "__________ three dogs off leash coming this way!".
a. There is
b. There are
10 - Michael stated in the courtroom "__________ a killer amongst us and I am going to reveal it to the court".
a. There is
b. There are

Other A1 - C1 English Tasks
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